torsdag 7 juli 2011

Favorite places in Milan

Why oh why is it that I so close to the end of my stay here in Milan finaly find the places that makes ti feel like My Milan?

Anyway here comes the places (everything from the only man i trust enough to fix my shoes to my favorite cafe)  to  that I think are a must when you live here, or just are here for a small vacation:


The Californian Bakery
Italy has a loot of good FOOD, but when it comes to sweets, such as cakes and cookies I must say that I have been very, very disappointed. I am in reality the (in)famous Cookie Monster, i just portray a serious architect student as a cover-up. Not only do they have a big selection, they have a wonderful display that makes you want to try them all, wonderful staff that puts a smile on your lips from the time you are showed to a table til the time you go to bed, and a truly inviting atmosphere. 

Oooo... and not to be forgotten, their salad with Chevre is amazing, don't miss it!

Afterwards you should go towards  Le Colonne and have an ice-cream at my favorit Ice-cream bar, and believe you me, I have tried many, but no one beats this one. It's called, as you can see, GELATERIA Le Colonne. When there you have to try their sorbet with wild strawberries called Fragoline di Ribera. It's like a taste of heaven. After going there oh so many times, and tried oh so many variations I now prefer to have it with lemon sorbet.

If you happen to be close to le Giardini Publici then i would suggest you to go to a little restaurent/cafe called Bianco Latte. Maybe I have been too influenced by my swedish genes, but i truly enjoy this cosy and still clean space. It fealt like home from the very first time I entered.

One thing that is rather special for Milano is it's tradition of having aperetivo. For someone new Aperetivo might be in need of an expleantion: To go out for an Aperetivo is basically to go out for dinner, but insted to pay for the food, you pay for your drink and then you eat til you drop. It is not the same thing as tapas seeing that beer normally isn't what is served. Almost every bar you come across serve aperetivo from opening til around 11 in the evening, but the quality of the food is normally rather bad.
After trying out different one, I rather quickly found a spot that has become my number one place to go when i'm not in the mood to cook, or when i just want to sit down and have an easy evening with my friends. This place is called LA ORA FELIZ and can be found in the area of Le Colonne. Don't miss it, and don't be late cause then you will not get a table (opens at 5 and is open ALL YEAR AROUND, as they have written on a sign behind the bar)

It is called Tre Fratelli, as in Three Broters, and they truly are just that, three brothers running a restaurant where most of it's clientele are regulars and you can understand why, not only because of the food, but also due to it's wonderful hosts. They are kind, sweet and always in the mood for a good laugh. The pizzas are my favorite, but for those of you who are in mood for something you can't find anywhere else, well, then you have to try their dish called "Sotto Coperta". I'm not going to tell you anything other then that it is a surprise containing seafood.

LUNCH italian style
Luinis is yet another must when you are here. They are famous for their Panzerotti. There are no tables, just a long queue and good food. You find it close to Il Duomo, so if you are close, make sure to grab one on the go.

Every tuesday and saturday there is a market close to my house. It's located on VIA BENEDETTO MARCELLO close to the central station. When there, don't miss the cheese-truck. Here you find wonderful cheese and salami and a truly italian man to help you find what you want. Try their long SALAMI PICCANTE that's hanging above the counter. It has become a most in my family and i have to send it home to my father on a regular basis. Closes at around 1 in the after noon, so don't come too late.

The area of Navilgi hosts a market every last sunday of the month. Here you can find anything from antiquates to vintage clothes to pure junk. It's a wonderful and chaotic place to be, and if you are in Milano that time of the month, you should make sure to visit it.

I have to favorite ones, one is right next to Via Benedetto Marcello, and the other one is located on Via Giovanni Battista Pergolesi. The first has an amazing interior and wonderful staff, the second has a horrible interior but and even more wonderful staff (if/when you become a regular the probably will give you test-bites of different things they are selling, such as cakes and bread etc while waiting to get served)

This is in Bovisa, so a bit outside of the center,  so you have to take bus 92 or 82 to get there. But when it comes to shoes i'm picky, so finding a person i trust with my shoes is incredibly important wherever in the world i am at. This man is short, with huge glasses and a gentile smile on his face. He store is always overflowing with shoes, so you might have to wait a week or so til they are ready, but it is woth it, he is worth it.

I have probably forgotten something, some places, but this will have to do for now

torsdag 31 mars 2011

See you at 1

A sweet little cafe on Via Arco 1, Milan. So if you feel like a nice little espresso after a day of shopping (or a hard day of art at Brera museum), this is the perfect place

Vis stort kort

onsdag 30 mars 2011

The lucky ones can fly...

... the other ones, well, they are... not lucky.

So, uni is up and running. Things are not going according to plans, but i knew that was going to be the case, so i tried to make as few as possible. My schedule decided play a trick on me as late as today, so now i have to try to come up with a solution. I don't want to let go of my Human Geography class, but it looks like i have to. Sure, that ain't too bad seeing that that means my friday will be free, but i much rather go to a afternoon session on wednesdays or tuesdays. Will see how this will get solved.

On mondays there are to wonderful classes: In the morning it's History of Modern Art, and in the afternoon it's Scenography.

The Scenography teacher is quite a persona. Either you love him or you hate him. Quite a few of my fellow students seem to do the later, i'm the opposite. He is one of those people who can be an utter and complete bastard, but I find it amusing watching the reaction he manages to get out of people. They whisper and roll their eyes when he's far away, but as soon as he gets close you can see them tremble with fear over what he's going to do next. Will he ask them a question that puts them in their place, or will he press an opinion out of them.
I'm rather use to these sort of professors, so I take him with a gran of salt and try to squeeze as much information and knowledge out of him as possible. 

For this semester we are changing the entire school into a theater. The 30th of may there will be an inauguration of a play that we still know nothing about, the only thing we have is a title (Sans Papier) and the rules that everything has to be made out of paper. 

So, last monday all of us had to have a concept and a model of this concept ready to be judged. 
The model i brought to the table was built from the concept that refugees has gone through so much suffering that they are locked in both within themselves, in their mind and in their soul. This is represented with 3 sets of cages, on inside the other. To represent people, both those with papers (the ones who are free to fly) and those without, there will be folded origami cranes.

Here are some pics of who the model looks so far. Imagine more cranes and 1 more cage (i ran out of glue...). I believe that in real life this will have quite an impact even without music, but music it will hopefully blow your mind.

Let's just hope my project get chosen to be part of the theater. Can't wait to see it realized in 1:1. It's going to take hell of a lot of time for folding, but that is what movies are for, no! ^-^

torsdag 20 januari 2011

Art by the blind

lördag 8 januari 2011

Words that moves me

Eyedea & Abilities - Smile

torsdag 9 december 2010

I didn't listen, therefor I could hear it

On my way home from a photo exhibition, with amongst other the wonderful Parisian Yann Audic, I first made a pit stop at the usual place, also known as Tjingeling, but no one i knew was there. I did see a guy that i know as "the fantastic hip hop dancer" walk down the street when i left the place, but since i don't know him, i didn't say anything, just sent him a smile for which i recieved no response.
Already in the stairs on my way out of Tjingeling I put in the earphones for my iPod and klicked my way to Jose Gonzales. After that i headed for woolworth seeing that i needed some food and i had run out of my favorite morning juice.

When the shopping was done, and still with Gonzales in my ears I started my walk home. All of a sudden my bubble broke and i could hear a voice and song that didn't match with what Jose was singing. I took out one of the earphones and started listeing. It was the man in front of me, the man in the black jacket with a single yellow stripe running down each sleeve, he was the on singing. And what a voice. Didn't get one single word he was saying, it was in some asian language, buti didn't care, it was beautiful, and i didn't want him to stop. He didn't, he continued singing while we were standing at the red light, i continued listening, but then we crossed the street, and there out common path ended.

 He went to the right, i went to the left, but first after i had thanked him for the song. I believe he got a bit shy, i might have broken his bubble, just as he had broken mine.
After that song, i decided not to start the ipod again, but just to listen.
Most of the time this is the state i'm in, i walk around listening to things around me. Sometimes it's the birds, sometimes it conversations, sometimes it's cars, sometimes it's all at once. This evening it was the last one, this evening it was everything.
It is nice with a break from all the confusion at times, turn on the music and step in to ones own little sphere. It's needed as to be able to enjoy the chaos when you  decide to take it on, and who knows, mabe even try to get some structure and make sense of it all. I, myself, have never managed to structure it, nor managed to find the sense, but i doesn't mean that i find it less delightful.

Anyways, time for me to get to bed, i'm rather tired, have to try ti finish a model tomorrow, and i still want to read a bit of Muriel Barbery's book "The elegance of the hedgehog"
Don't seem to be able to get enough of that book, even though it's  a fiction, and i'm normally in to non-fictions

Good night