torsdag 28 maj 2009

Chinese angel, mexican swines

I saw this picture on the front page of "Politiken", a danish newspaper. It caught my eye, kept it for awhile, couldn't get it out of my head, so I drew, and now it's in there, in here, for everyone to see...

Trying to escape

Drawing is a really good way to meditate, wander into another, a better place, at least for a litle while

onsdag 11 februari 2009


Welcome to Suburbia!

A place you hopefully never have to visit.

It's looks, smells and feels just like any other suburb.
For your own good:

                          STAY AWAY!

I had to go there, i was forced by higher powers. 
You see, our next project is over there, on a muddy field on the outskirts of Rönde.

But I can, and will do something interesting with that brown, guie growned. It is assembling and taking for just as I write.

This is just the beginning...

A part of Rönde

Just a photo i took in Copenhagen meat district a cupel of days ago.
Why is decay so interesting?