torsdag 9 december 2010

I didn't listen, therefor I could hear it

On my way home from a photo exhibition, with amongst other the wonderful Parisian Yann Audic, I first made a pit stop at the usual place, also known as Tjingeling, but no one i knew was there. I did see a guy that i know as "the fantastic hip hop dancer" walk down the street when i left the place, but since i don't know him, i didn't say anything, just sent him a smile for which i recieved no response.
Already in the stairs on my way out of Tjingeling I put in the earphones for my iPod and klicked my way to Jose Gonzales. After that i headed for woolworth seeing that i needed some food and i had run out of my favorite morning juice.

When the shopping was done, and still with Gonzales in my ears I started my walk home. All of a sudden my bubble broke and i could hear a voice and song that didn't match with what Jose was singing. I took out one of the earphones and started listeing. It was the man in front of me, the man in the black jacket with a single yellow stripe running down each sleeve, he was the on singing. And what a voice. Didn't get one single word he was saying, it was in some asian language, buti didn't care, it was beautiful, and i didn't want him to stop. He didn't, he continued singing while we were standing at the red light, i continued listening, but then we crossed the street, and there out common path ended.

 He went to the right, i went to the left, but first after i had thanked him for the song. I believe he got a bit shy, i might have broken his bubble, just as he had broken mine.
After that song, i decided not to start the ipod again, but just to listen.
Most of the time this is the state i'm in, i walk around listening to things around me. Sometimes it's the birds, sometimes it conversations, sometimes it's cars, sometimes it's all at once. This evening it was the last one, this evening it was everything.
It is nice with a break from all the confusion at times, turn on the music and step in to ones own little sphere. It's needed as to be able to enjoy the chaos when you  decide to take it on, and who knows, mabe even try to get some structure and make sense of it all. I, myself, have never managed to structure it, nor managed to find the sense, but i doesn't mean that i find it less delightful.

Anyways, time for me to get to bed, i'm rather tired, have to try ti finish a model tomorrow, and i still want to read a bit of Muriel Barbery's book "The elegance of the hedgehog"
Don't seem to be able to get enough of that book, even though it's  a fiction, and i'm normally in to non-fictions

Good night