fredag 12 december 2008


I was sitting playing around with letter this morning. This is the resault of MEWEM

torsdag 11 december 2008

Cykle and recykle

Made for my Juliet

A cuple of month ago i visited my friend Juliet in Copenhagen ("Nörrebronx in my heart"). There, on her windowsil, i saw this beautiful foot to a lamp, It was pretty big, and round, and made of green glass. As i said, very beutiful, and very different, but there was something wong. It didn't have a lampshade.
When i asked her why the ansver was: There was none when i found it on the attic!
My emidiate thouhgt was: Then i'll just make her one.
So i said: Then I'lljust make you one!

A cuple of days, maybe weeks, later, on my bike on way to school i saw this lamp standing on the street. It hade a big nice lampshade. So i stoped, took the lampshade and continued.
Above you can see the resault. 

Hope Juliet will like it! 
Hope it will fit. 
Otherwise another friend of mine wants it.

tisdag 2 december 2008

A pencil for detajl

Detajldrawing of a part of then interiour of a building in Aarhus during drawingclass


This is the resault of a 3 hour bookless trainride back to Århus.
And the answer is -YES, I was very bored indeed!-

onsdag 26 november 2008

Hangin man

A drawing i made in october 2007

Don't know where i got the idea from, but i belive it has something to do with an angel i saw in a cartoon somewhere


Vacationhouse somewhere in Scandinavia

50m2 livingarea (way more outside)

fredag 7 november 2008

Project Randers

Well here you have it. Our concept for Randers harbour.

For you who do not know Randers;
Randers is THE metropole of Denmark...

Well, now you know, now you have been enlightened! You will thank me one day, i know you will!

Yours Truly


söndag 2 november 2008

Cultural Festival

tisdag 2 september 2008


I have to do something about this
I have to stop letting my things own me
I don't like it
Maybe i should just sell it
Maybe i should just give it away to charity
I'm gonna sell it
Use the money on something useable

My things owns me
I don't like it

måndag 11 augusti 2008


It all started in a cafe.
A friend and i were talking about art. What is art?, What isn't art?, Who decides what is and isn't art?, Can anyone decide?, etc etc.
Most of the classical questions were simmered through, no real answer came out of it. It never does, and it never should. And, anyways, it's never the answers we are really out to find, we just like spending our time discussing it.

While discussing Duchamp and his fellow artist she was sitting there, playing with a piece of aluminium foil from her cigarette-pack. Folding, bending, twisting, folding, throwing it up in the air, watching it land on the table (or the floor, when it missed the table)
She said to me - So now I'm calling this art.
I replied: If you call that art, then I call it architecture. I'll make something big out of it.
She laughed

She had every right to laugh, she was right, or maybe i should say: She is right, for now. So far i haven't made a building of it, but a lamp, a garden lamp I've named Palace. Maybe i should call the future building Lamp just to make it equal.

söndag 10 augusti 2008


From the first week at Aarhus school of Architecture. That's the resault of many beers and good teamwork.
A feather in the hat to us, cause WE WON!
It wasn't a big competition, but a competition is always a competition, nomather how big or small it is.

Made of white concreat and those metal bars that one is suppose to use to make it strong
Made by: Students at Aarhus school of Architecture
Inspired by: The never ending changes of the sand banks and sea that surrounded us at the "Rus Tur"

old eyes

The pictuer is from the trip to Sigtuna.
If you ever go there, make sure to drink a coffe and eat a Kanelbulle at café Tant Brun

When it comes to -new eyes- , the old view is still there.
There were no time to show her my hometown. She got to see wonderful Stockholm, sweet Uppsala, cute Sigtuna, and awful Alsike (the perfect place to see how -not to plan a villagearea-. If i go there before i leave sweden, i promise to take a picture.)

torsdag 17 juli 2008

New eyes

It's strange how sentimental one can get over just one lite tune passing through the air, or the sent of summer passing by before your eyes. 
Monday, on monday i will start enjoying it for real. Then i will start the grand tour, giving a friend a guided tour of my "hood", seeing it with new eyes, the eyes of a turist. Long time since i found anything interesting in this hole of a town. I guess it has it good sides, just like most other towns, but when one has grown up in it, they are hard, very hard to find.

Sooo, new eyes, a friend, and a camera , that will hopefully end up in something interesting. It doesn't necessarily need to be beautiful, as long as it is something.