torsdag 11 december 2008

Cykle and recykle

Made for my Juliet

A cuple of month ago i visited my friend Juliet in Copenhagen ("Nörrebronx in my heart"). There, on her windowsil, i saw this beautiful foot to a lamp, It was pretty big, and round, and made of green glass. As i said, very beutiful, and very different, but there was something wong. It didn't have a lampshade.
When i asked her why the ansver was: There was none when i found it on the attic!
My emidiate thouhgt was: Then i'll just make her one.
So i said: Then I'lljust make you one!

A cuple of days, maybe weeks, later, on my bike on way to school i saw this lamp standing on the street. It hade a big nice lampshade. So i stoped, took the lampshade and continued.
Above you can see the resault. 

Hope Juliet will like it! 
Hope it will fit. 
Otherwise another friend of mine wants it.