måndag 31 maj 2010


I was playing around with the same base of inspiration as i use for this semesters project. If i just continue playing around with these beginners renderings on photoshop, i'll have something interesting to show for it, eventually. 

I have to admit that i have absolutely no clue when it comes to construction, haven't thought about it what so ever. But that is what engineers are for...

KubHus (CubeHouse)- learning how to do renderings

I can't exactly sell myself for being extremely good at doing renderings, so i decided to learn. This is what came out of some free sketchup plugins that i downloaded this morning. Have to find something better, something that can make the images bigger.

The project i decided to use comes from my 4th semester here at Århus Arkitektskola. It's a 100m2, one family house in small suburb to Århus.

The shape originates from a grid, in which i thereafter took into consideration viewpoints, sun and wind correlations and insight/"outsight" in comparison to neighbors. 

One of the sleeping modules.
This is where my thoughts of how the family structure has changed, but the way we live haven't. That lead the project in a direction of flexibility as to be able to vary in size and function.

Kitchen bench module

As you can see, it's not very prof, but i will get there, some day.
Would like to upload the sketchup-file, so will have to find a way of how to do that.
Wish me luck

fredag 28 maj 2010

How the way we live reflects on the way we interact with people, and vice versa Part I

I know, long title, but it is the best way to describe what i have been walking around and thinking about the last year or so.

The only reason why i haven't put it down in writing before, is because i find it hard to formulate, but now I've decided to give it a try.

Two evenings ago i read a sequence in a book called "The Language of Things". He wrote about how the archetypes have changed throughout time. One of the archetypes he wrote about was the phone, and how it not only has changed form in type of design, but also how the phone has changed when it comes to it's place in the home.

From being an object with an important place in the home, hanging on the wall in the hall way, to standing on its own little table, an object that was one of the few ways to keep in contact with the outer world, an object to be handled with care, to now be an object that we take for granted.
These days a big part of the Nordic people don't even own a home phone, instead we walk around with our own private portable phone, with our own number, being able to reach and being reach 24 hours a day. The fact is that most people switch phones as fast as the phone company gives us the possibility.

While reading that i started to compare the way that we treat and use our phones, with the way that we treat and use people around us. 
Not only do i feel that we take our phones as much for granted as we take or granted the people around us, but i also started thinking about how much of a use-abuse-and-toss-away kind of society we now live in both when it comes to the object and people in our every day life.
Maybe it is just me, but i feel like a big part of the society we live in today have forgot how to appreciate and care for people and things around us.

Look at how many things that we feel like we can not live without (like this computer of mine), but still are willing and urging to change as fast as a newer version comes arrives. What does that say about us? 

Maybe it is too late at night/too early in the morning for me to make any sense, but i hope that after reading this in a couple of hours, i will be able to formulate this thoroughly thinking of the fact that i have not even gotten around to the way we live. But i will get there, that much i can promise you

Now it is time for me to go to bed
Sleep tight

torsdag 27 maj 2010

Trip to Paris part II - The French Communist Party

One of the places, and the place that really struck me was The Building of the French Communist Party's headquarter. The man behind it is the Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer. 

I would try to explain it to you in words, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm afraid that my words aren't strong enough.

Trip to Paris part I

I have a bit of a thing for little old ladies.

And little old men.

Clean slate

It's been way to long since i last wrote. Reason. Don't have one, at least not a good one, if "just didn't feel lile it" doesn't count.

But now it is time to start again, time to put up pictures, some old project, and show the process of the latest one. Have some scanning to look forward to...

Have a wonderful 27th of may