måndag 31 maj 2010

KubHus (CubeHouse)- learning how to do renderings

I can't exactly sell myself for being extremely good at doing renderings, so i decided to learn. This is what came out of some free sketchup plugins that i downloaded this morning. Have to find something better, something that can make the images bigger.

The project i decided to use comes from my 4th semester here at Århus Arkitektskola. It's a 100m2, one family house in small suburb to Århus.

The shape originates from a grid, in which i thereafter took into consideration viewpoints, sun and wind correlations and insight/"outsight" in comparison to neighbors. 

One of the sleeping modules.
This is where my thoughts of how the family structure has changed, but the way we live haven't. That lead the project in a direction of flexibility as to be able to vary in size and function.

Kitchen bench module

As you can see, it's not very prof, but i will get there, some day.
Would like to upload the sketchup-file, so will have to find a way of how to do that.
Wish me luck