torsdag 4 november 2010

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It's on the ground, I'm one of them

I prove myself wrong every day, just through seeing the homeless in the eyes and acknowledge that they are there and human. Most people just pretend like they are a bad breeze of air that you need to put behind you as fast as possible. Don't understand that way of thinking. I just look them in the eyes and smile, but then again, i smile towards most people i meet. Sometimes a get a confused smile back, sometimes the eyes looking back at me are just as cold as the pavement they are walking on. 

But today I have been upset with my own behavior way too many time for my own good. I walked passed a sign that had fallen to the ground during the mornings rush hour. I figured I would look weird if i picked it up. Then i figured that I didn't care if I looked weird or not, but by that time i had passed it, and would have to turn back, pick it up,  do a u-turn and then go to work. I figured i was to lazy to do so, and i don't like when I'm lazy. 
Then came the McDonalds paper bag that someone had just gotten rid of in the midst of the rush hour on my way to Darlinghurst. Should I pic it up? Or shouldn't I? I should! Where is the closest trashcan? I can't see one. Should I pic it up and walk around with it? 
Too late, my long legs swept me passed the trash, and my mind was to slow to react... Have to work on that. Making up my mind.

For some people passing garbage on the street, or walking pass things in the super market that has fallen down, or ignoring the smoke from a garbage bin on fire, is a very small thing, they just don't care. They pass it without even thinking twice about it. Then again, some people seem to pass most things without thinking twice, or even think of it at all. I wonder what these people see the beauty that comes with seeing the ugly? And of course i wonder if they see at all, or if they just blindly walk through life wondering what all the fuss is about?

It would be nice to come with some nice deep insight at this point, but nothing comes to me. Just all these questions regarding what is going on in there minds, and what does it take to get them to open their minds and really see. 

I've try doing so with smiles and small gestures every day. But it seems like many of the grownups have closed down, while the younger ones are still open for it. I've had so many reactions from kids, just through walking on the streets with a small smile on my lips, even more so today, a rainy day that i felt was in need of red lips.
So i wonder what it is that makes people go from being open to closed, if there is any space in between that is in the middle, where one might be able to catch them and get them to stay open?

I either most have been one of the lucky ones who have stayed open, or one of the really lucky ones who was caught in my middle phase, or one of the really really lucky ones who was reopened.
No mater what, I do hope that I am truly open, and that I will remain so for the rest of my days. I like it. Sure, it makes me sad quite often, but it often makes me so extremely happy that it sometimes feel like i'm walking around on clouds.

How can we catch people before they close, and how can we reopen the ones that have already closed for the day? 
I'm trying to start a chain reaction through smiling. I know it's not much but i do hope on making peoples days just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better, and that they in their turn will make someone else's day just a little bit better.....


If I manage to be a part of the chain-reaction of smiles, is there any chance to start a chain-reaction when it comes to others things, like cleaning up the city? If not, what does it take to do so?