tisdag 26 oktober 2010

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Cause and effect

They are not even creeping, they are all up for full frontal attach. I'm talking about the cockroaches, they are everywhere. No mater how much I try to keep the place clean, they just won't let it be. Running up the walls like it's the most natural thing on earth.

My flatmate has decided to gett the exterminator over here, cause the problem isn't only the cockroaches, but also The Rat... Yes, we have a rat. It's living in the so called living room, which now is the storage room for tenants who left their stuff here when they moved. 
I'm trying to explain to him that killing the rat won't get rid of the problem, just temporarily get rid of the effect of the real problem, aka, the mess.

I hope with all my heart that he will understand my point and do something about it, but I'm not to sure his laziness will allow him to do so.

That brings me back to the question that I've been writing about earlier, What is causing this lack of respect towards others we can see on the street, and in our homes (no mater if we are willing to admit it or not, or if we even realize it)?

The people living here before don't seem to care about all the things they have left behind, but they care enough to get to much of a bad concision to throw it out themselves, but they can easily pass it on to us. And now that has left us with not only a room we can't use, but also with cockroaches and rat(s?). Thank you! You are all to kind? 

Is it this way of thinking of what is easy for us in the moment, and not in the long run, that is leading us into trouble?
Personal opinion: Yes!

How can we change it? A little at a time, step by step? Or, drastically, like here at my place, by calling the exterminator, and take away everything that doesn't belong to us? 
If we take to drastic measures, we have to realize that the problem that was once ours will become some else, and that it will have it's own effect no mater if that effect is effecting us or not.

Always this -Cause and Effect-, but it is one of those things we can't get away from. The only thing we can do is sort it as well as we can, and hope that by doing that the impact will lessen little by little.
And we have to keep in mind that by doing nothing we at some point will loose control, and that will only cause more of an ripple then if we do something about it now!