onsdag 21 juli 2010

3 weeks in into the vacation...

... and I've started to wonder what job I can find in such a short notice, cause i'm starting to get oh so bored around here.

My job for the summer, here at home, has been cooking and cleaning out the garage. It might sound like small tasks but my mom has a tendency to invite all the family friends while i'm home, so there is always a lot of action in the kitchen during these periods, and the garage was such a mess when I arrived that one had to jump over sideways if one even wanted to enter. Right now one still has to jump side-ways, but not as high as before...

So, what can I possibly do to gather some cash around here? Anyone who wants their house repainted, anyone who want's a new website. anyone who needs a hobby-chef?

I do have some things to do, finishing of the garage for one thing, but I would love to learn more about flash and archicad, and then continue writing on 'Live and interact'

Oh well, one thing at a time... I'm just no good at that, I prefer 2-4 things at a time...