lördag 25 september 2010

Chapter 2


 The beginning of my Sydney part of my life. What occured from the day of my arrival monday August 30st (5.30 am) til today, saturday september 4th

I wish I could say “So far so good”, but no no, yesterday I fell over like the amazon I am and managed to bruise both my knees, and get one of those nice big uneven, deep cuts in my right knee. I happens to be one of those cuts that you only can get from falling and sliding on gravel. Didn’t look all that bad when I look at it after the first shock had passed, but then, ripping my stockings as to be able to get a better overview of exactly what i needed to get from the pharmacist, I realised that it was deeper then one could see at first glance.
Damned it, don’t have time for this, have to be a good Play Boy bunny at this evenings birthday party. Now I’ll just have to go as “The Wounded Bunny”. Sure, I believe i will stick out quite a bit walking around with ripped stockings and a nice big white plaster over the knee, but it wasn’t exactly what i was aiming for. Specially seeing that that tonight will be the first time I meet a lot of The Boys friends.

So, now when i have brought up The Boys, I not only have to, but I want to tell you all about my impression of them so far. The Boys, also known as Aaron and Justin and their sidekick Tye the Dog, stole my heart away from the first second I met them. They were a bit late to pick me up from the airport (which was kind of good seeing that it gave me a chance to go to the ladies, brush my teeth and freshen up in general. 31 hours on planes and airports has a tendency to make one feel more then just a bit dirty). But when they finally did arrive they showed me a side that felt so genuine that it was impossible not to adore them. Justin with his amazing smile and self distant, knowing that his sense of direction is more then just a bit out of order, and Aaron trying to guide Justin through the airport jungle, on to the highway and home, and doing so forgetting to pronounce the words clearly “hearable” in his mind. Yes, he has a tendency to mumble, thinking that he has made himself understood.

From that first moment at the airport till now there has been no problems, so now I’m just enjoying this little family bliss in anticipation for their arrival. The thing is that they might never arrive, at least not if I’m as lucky as I was living with Berit and Peter in Aarhus. There the family bliss just continued for 1 1/2 years, without as much as a row.

My first impression of Terroir was just as good as the one with The Boys. Turning up one day to early (the 31st of august instead of 1st of sep) I found Tamara (the mane women of the office) sitting on the floor awaiting both the locksmith and Jannis the German (the other intern) who was out getting some coffee. She just sat there, calmly writing an e-mail on her beloved iPhone. There was no anger nor irritation floating around in the air, just a calm understanding that the situation was at it was, and there was no point in getting all worked up about it. When the locksmith finally arrived, he was greeted with a smiles and kind words. That is the kind of people I like, as the KaosPilots might say “It’s a good mind set”, and I have to agree with that.