onsdag 29 september 2010

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The importance of home

The more pictures I look at, the more I think about how important the home is, but how it’s place in peoples lives has changed. Watching old photos one sees people proud standing in front of their home, showing it as an important part of the picture. It almost seems like it’s a part of the family, the big protector of the small humans.

Nowadays people are showing off more than the bare necessities, they are showing off their life and the home no longer is big a part of everyday life as it once was.
Now a days there only people are showing of their life more then their home, seeing that the home no longer has as big of an impact on your everyday life as it once had.
 Sure, it’s still of value, you home is your castle, but the likelihood of you shifting your home more than 2-3 times in a lifetime is rather big. Now it’s our things that are important. If the house is about to burn down, a lot of people would take their hard drive and whatever they can grab in the other hand and run.
But posing in front of our home, except for the poster of some American tv-show, is no longer in fashion.

Has the home become as expendable as our iPods? Is what is in it more important than the home itself? Is that why such a big part of today's population living in developed countries no longer take care of and value the place they live in? Is a home so expendable that people just move when there are to many things in need of restoration?

Once again I can just look at where I live at the moment. The carpet it full of paint stains from the little girl, who lived here before, who liked to use it as drawing paper, and the same comes when you look at the walls.
If the parents don’t show any consideration of their home, why should she?
If this is the attitude she grows up with, that it really doesn’t mater, then why should she care about someone else’s things. And if she doesn’t have to care about someone else’s things, why should she care about the person who owns them?
Is our disregard for our own property a part of the pattern of our disregard for people?
Sure, that was an easy way to put it, but think about it: Does the lack of respect of the individual comes from lack of respect of our homes and things?