lördag 25 september 2010

The Sydney Story - Chapter 1 (a cuple of weeks delayed)

Don't think anyone will read this, but if they/you do, hope you find something of interest, if so even just the layout (stolen from the Swedish magazine Aplace)

Soon it all begins, my 5 month in Aussi-land. 5 month in a country where everything is upside down campaired to my home country Sweden. The toilets flush in the opposit direction, the cars drive on the wronge side of the road, and it’s warm during “wintertime” 

Monday 16.aug.2010

It’s not because of surfing I’m going there, nor is it because of surfers. I’m going there because of the heat, and the fact that the Australian offices are supposed to be good when it comes to natural ventilation.
So I applied for several offices, sending out letters and portfolio starting with the offices who had managed to get most stars in my excel-sheet. I never did manage to go through them all, seeing that I got  -YES, we would like to have you as our intern- from no less then two of the offices on the very top. It was a hard choice, but in the end i decided to go for Terroir.
From what I hear from people at school (Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark), Gerard is a cool guy, and has some interesting ideas. He’s the one who will be my mane boss, but apparently he will be off working quite a bit over here, Europe, while I’m over there. Pity, but if the rest of the office is anything like him (I have a very good impression of him from the e-mail correspondence) then I will be fine. Will meet with him when i go to Copenhagen in the end of the weekend. I’m more then just a bit curious about seeing if the mails has managed to fool me or not.

Tuesday 24.aug.2010

The mails didn’t fool me, he is a cool guy Mr G. Met with him at a cafe next to one of the lakes called CafeSalonen. Nice little place which has a tendency to make me feel as if I’m in Paris every time I’m there.
He was late, over 15 minutes late. That gave me more time to get nervous. Don’t know id that was a good or a bad thing tough, seeing that I have a tendency to take such meetings a bit to lightly, not understanding why on earth I should be as nervous as other deadly normally are. Think I’ve gotten that from dad, he never seems to get affected by such things as nerves.

Anyways, when Mr G finally did arrive, he spoke, I listened. He had coffee, I had already finish my tea. He told me about the different projects, a bit about everyone working there, and the way the office work. It seems like a serious but chill place. If it is anything like he explains it I believe I will like it, and hopefully fit right in.
His girlfriend/wife turned up after about 45min, wonderful woman, like her a lot. She has her both her heart and head in the right place, wish she was a part of the Sydney office. We spoke about volunteering and different offices and project working with such things. Hope that they (and others) will speak about me with the same fire/intensity in the future...

Now it is time for me to start packing. Only allowed to bring 23kg, so the task of figuring out what is important, and what should be left behind is upon me.