fredag 25 juni 2010

Yesterday was THE DAY

and the external crit loved my project...! Now that is what i'm talking about! He said that he wanted to see it built, and that he would love to experience the space. He also said that he has never seen such a form-expression, and that he really enjoyed seeing and hearing about the process.
He had 2 questions,  but in the state i'm in right now, i only remember 1, and that was something along the line with
"You have worked a lot with mirrors, how do you feel that you have incorporated that into the final project?"
Answer "The mirrors have been replaces with the still surface of the water", or something in the line of that.

In short, I'm happy, I'm more then happy, I'm ecstatic!

Now it is time for me to get back to uni and clear out my space

torsdag 24 juni 2010

Ts'onot from the outside

Result from the "black-room"

Today is THE DAY

As the title implies today IS the day, after today, I will be a graduated Bachelor [if everything goes well that is].
I finished finished my model today. Well, the problem from yesterday, with the wont gypsum, is still a problem, so I decided to let it slip, and if i bring the model to Sweden, then i make them there instead, in concrete. After this project I have decided to never ever work with gypsum again. It falls apart way to easily, it molds, it's gray [can use coloring, but it still doesn't change the fact that I don't like it]. I'd rather just use coloring with the concrete...

But, anyways, now i'm about to go out and take some new pics in the dark-room [the room between the toilet and the study]. Hope they will turn out so well that i can use them on the poster.

But for now, here comes some pics from yesterday
and earlier today

onsdag 23 juni 2010

Poster tweeting

So, after the gypsum-problem I decided that I needed a break, doing something amusing, so I've been doing some poster tweeting. While preparing new renders i decided to finish the model without the end pieces, and then take some "night pics" of it for the poster. I think it would give that final touch to the poster.

Anyways, here comes this mornings renders:

Trial and error

Yesterday I wrote about making mistakes, and that the more you make during your time here at uni, the better, because then you don't have to make them when you get out into real life. I'm happy I wrote that, and I'm happy that that is my mindset. Reason: Just went over to the workshop we call mock-up to take away the mold that surrounds my model. It wasn't dry. That has never happened to me, so I double checked what was written on the gypsum I used, it said "gypsum for walls and ceilings". I don't know if it will be dry by tomorrow, but I really do hope so.

So, now it's just for me to wait, and hope that it is dry by tomorrow, and continue with finishing the posters, and the rest of the model.

tisdag 22 juni 2010

The end is within reach

First there's tomorrow, then thursday is here, and that just means one thing for me... BACHELOR! Wop wop! 
Finally one step closer to finishing my degree as an architect. I'm looking forward to finishing this step.
Not that I have not enjoyed it, because I have, but it still feels nice.
Not only am I able to write BA everywhere, and believe me I will, but through these 3 years at Aarhus School of Architecture I have learned so much about myself, the way I work, and what I want to work with in the future.

The RILE-project with Educat has opened my eyes when it comes to a world that I want to become a part of, a world that includes working in teams driven by a common force, which is something that I so far never have been a part of, seeing that at uni teacher randomly put us in groups regardless of compatibility. I understand that that is the normal rules of teamwork, but why can't we just change what is normal?
After working with the Educat-crew, seeing just how different everyone are, I also regained my belief in what Margaret Mead once said, and I quote:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, 
committed citizens can change the world. 
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has"

The school awoke my interest for working with competitions, and taught me oh so much about my own process, and the value of evaluating the process after a project is finished. (See "Reflection Sheet").
One thing that I just recently understood is just how much more affective I work when I have this blog to post my day to day process. From now on I will be more strict in doing so.

If there is anyone who reads this who is thinking about if he/she should become and architect, and in that case, which school to attend, I can warmly suggest this school. These are the years when we can play around, make mistakes (preferably as many as possible, how will one otherwise learn)

The first two years we get to try everything from competitions to town planning, to 1 family housing. 
From what I can see from the 1st year student it looks like the school is getting better and better. This semester i saw them playing around with casting models including yellow airplanes. I most admit that i got a bit jealous, it looked like they were having so much fun!
At the 3rd year we have more of a chance to focus on, and try out, what one might think of "more my cup of tea".
Personally I tried out Industrial Design during the fall, and now I'm trying the complete opposite, Experimental Aesthetics.
Where I am now feels more like me, it gives you more time to work with the process and learn what works for you, and it lets you try out more sides of yourself and push your limits.

After thursday I hope on getting an internship somewhere in the world, preferably in an office that works with competitions or/and works in countries with hotter climates or/and with materials produced more local to where the projects are being built (aka, the used and abused word, sustainability).
The spring will be spent as an Erasmus exchange-student at Politecnico in Milan. Really looking forward to learning how their university works, hear what they have to say about architecture, and learn what they have to teach.
After that I will go back to finish my Master at here at AAA.
I have already started to look forward to my master-project, and thought much about it. It would be interesting to design a school somewhere in the middle east, perhaps in Jordan, or, as a friend and Educat-member and I talked about earlier today, design a moving school as to get education out to villages that are located to far away from the cities.
But to get there I first want to learn more about natural cooling systems and other skills that will come in handy.

Time for me to get some sleep
Have posters to set up tomorrow, and models to finish

lördag 19 juni 2010

A sholder tap and an inspiration boost

I have had a productive last couple days. Not very much so when it comes to school, still have some photoshop pics to put together, but what i have done is set up my LinkedIn profile, gotten my english and swedish curriculum vitae in order, sent an e-mail to Politecnico in Milano with most of the necessary info, the rest i have to send via normal mail. 
I've also written the contract for renting out my room for the summer, and hope on getting it signed in the beginning of next week, seeing that i move back to sweden by the 28th this month.

Last wednesday some of the exchange-students put together a little exhibition of their courtyard instalation that they had been working on for the last week. During that enjoyable little event I talked with a phd-student called Brett Patching, which ended up being just what i needed inspirational-wise.
Everyone has their ups and downs, but for the last 6 month i've felt rather confused when it comes to what i want to do both when it comes to the far future, but also when it comes the the near one.
He spoke about the at Standford, DesignBoost in Sweden and all sort of interesting people working and dealing with things and subjects that speaks directly to me.
I on my side told him about the RILE project, what Educat has been up to lately, and the non-profit organization MASS, which seemed to interest him. 

In the end I got so overwhelmed with information and inspiration that I had to go and sit down together with some friends on the top of the instillation, have a hotdog, enjoy the sun and just try to structure everything that was going on in that little head of mine.

Since then i've been reading, listening and structuring as much information as i possibly can, while still working on finishing my bachelor.

If you feel like you are in need of some inspiration, check out:

*The Standford University's facebook profile wher you can see some short but interesting videos 

*Then there's always TED and DAVOS [even though it might sound strange to some, i do sincerely enjoy these panels] for those who like those sort of talks

*And for those visual people, two of my favorits are ffffound and ZAVO BIG  

torsdag 17 juni 2010

Getting closer to the end

So, here comes what i managed to put together as "The Program"... Wasn't sure what they were looking for, but so was anyone else, so i wrote this [in swedish], and hope that it is OK. I made it as a small booklet, and it looked real nice when it finally was put together.

So, now there's just some tweeting of the so called Moneys hots, and final touches on the model left before the big critic thursday next week. 
Most say that i'm looking forward to the sommer holiday, and loads and loads of rhubarb in all variations ^-^

tisdag 15 juni 2010

something they call Reflection Sheet

So, now it's done, the paper that my uni calls a Reflection Sheet. Not that it takes a long time to write, but one actually has to go through what one has learned from the semester. Most times it leads somewhere, but staring at a blank paper always makes me freeze [that is one of the reasons why I decided to reasume this blog once more]

So here comes the results after an afternoon of reflections...

Time for me to start working on the "program" (don't know how to translate that one)

onsdag 9 juni 2010

ts'onot - posters for hand in

Yesterday, before closing down the computer, i wrote that i might not like what i saw when i woke up in the morning, well, it was true. Not only did i not like what i saw, i also noticed that i had forgotten some rather important details such as name and class etc. Might be a good thing to have on the poster when they are hanging there on the wall ready for peoples judgmental eyes.

So, here comes the final final version:

I've tried to find out why the gray is so different on section and plane, and i just can't get it. They are exactly the same on smyk, and non of them have any transparency. Oh well, i have until the 23rd to figure it out.

tisdag 8 juni 2010

ts'onot - posters done (for now)

So, after many hours of working on the layout i feel like I finally can had it in. I've added some extra pics, pics that i'm about to redo to visualizations. But not now, now i'm handing it in, and then i can start the redoing... 

Here comes the the final layout

The 4pics straight above are the ones in need of some visual tlc

Who knows, tomorrow morning i might dislike it with all my soul, but right in this very moment i'm actually rather satisfied.

Time for me to go home and get some rest

Ile Seguin - poster layout

So, now i'm sitting here with my jeans and shoes whitened by concrete-dust, trying to figure out a presentable layout for the poster. 
Step 1: Redesign section and plan
Step 2: Draw quick diagrams
Step 3: Take some good pics of the wonderful model (pics of model-process will be up as soon as i have more time)
Step 4: What to write??? And where to write it?
Step 5: Money-shot, what, where, what time on the day?

So far the plane

And section is done

Diagrams as well. So 1+2 *check*
Now, 3-5 to go
Hopefully i will get some sleep tonight, but there are no certainties for that!

söndag 6 juni 2010

Ile Seguin - section I

After MANY hours in front of the computer with a mix of Petter (swedish artist), Veronica Maggio (yet another swedish artist), Norah Jones and Aloe Blacc in the background, i'm now finaly kind of done with the first section.
I'm happy about the fact that it is normally the first one that takes the longest, seeing that it is during the first one that one makes most mistakes, mistakes that leads one down the path to the end result.
So, here it comes, the first section of Ile Seguin:

 Sure, there are still things that needs to be done, but we'll see if i have the time for it on wednesday before hand-in.

Time for bed

Ile Seguin - the green version II

So, here comes a updated version with glass and smaller trees

Ile Seguin - the green version

Ok, so now i've been sitting here, eating chocolate and working on making Ile Seguin alluring to the greater public. Well, at least the over ground part of it. 
I see this image as almost finished, the final touches will be added later on, if i have the time.

One part that most certainly will be added is the glass openings to the grotto

Maps - Ile Seguin

Everyone in my class are working either on Ile Seguin or Ils des Cygnes in Paris. 
Since the start i've worked with Ile Seguin (or Ile the banana as we have namned it) as my inspiration. Due to this i've made some maps over it: 

 The complete top view from google

and the birds eye view from bings

Thought that someone might need them for something.

If you happen to be a part of my class and need them in original psd format, just drop by my desk with a usb and it's yours

fredag 4 juni 2010

Early day, long day, fun day, but the workshop closed too early

The title says it all!

It has been a long day, woke up at 6, couldn't fall back to sleep. Gave up around 6.30, got ready for uni, was here (where i am still) at around 8, started working on the flamingo-model that will go into the wooden boxes that i made yesterday. 

For some reason one never learns that i ALWAYS takes longer then expected to build models, and today was no exception. Unfortunately i finished the mane models around 16.10. Little did i know that the workshop closes at 16.00 on fridays. My loss. I have no drill, and i need a drill to be able to do these models of mine. Forthunatly i have one at home, a small one. Let's hope it works.

One of the models i am sure i can not finish this weekend, since a had mixed up some of the numbers yesterday. As I said yesterday; Numbers, numbers, numbers... And it is oh o true. Numbers numbers numbers. A 9 turns into a 6, and there we are, 3 cm missing, 1 box useless. Will have to wait until monday.  That gives me the weekend to do 4-6 models and start the poster layout.

Here are some pictures from today.

One always needs a break from whatever one is up to, so today my break consisted of Artlantis. Here you can see what came out of that.

Just remembered, yesterday, when i was in need of a break, i called a mexican friend of mine, suggesting that we went for some ice-cream. As i expected he said yes to that suggestion (who can resist real italien gelato?).
When we were sitting there, on the doorstep to a neerby building, we he asked me what this semesters project was about, and how mine was comming along. So i told him. I told him how it was looking at the moment, how it had gotten there, and where my inspiration comes from. Then he told me something interesting. 
Last time he was in Mexico he had visited some caves (like the caves that has been a part of my inspiration), and how he had been snorkling through them. He also told me that the Mayas had a special name for these caves. He could not remember it there on the stairs, but promised me to find it for me. 
The basic meaning for the name is something along the line of "the entré to paradise" or "the paradise port". 
I'm curious of how it's spelled, but by the sound of it, it is the perfect name for this project.
Not that one can enter from the top, but one can admire it from up there, and wish to see the marvels from below.

I also took a decision about what material it will be made of. White concrete. 
Sure, it sounds like a choice made out of convenience, but the truth of the mater is that it is a conclusion made from many factors. 
First of all, white reflects light better then any other color.
Seckond, white will make it seem bigger then if was, fx, grey.
Third, when times passes you will be able to see green moss and other vegetation growing on the once oh so white surface, and the tore of time is something that i personally find inspirational.

Time for me to take yet another decision, "Go home, or stay yet a bit longer, and start building the two end modles?".
Decision made, i've been a good girl today, so I will but on my sunglasses and walk out, into the sun. Who knows, maybe i will spoil myslef with another ice-cream ^-^

torsdag 3 juni 2010

A day in the workshop

Today has mostly been numbers. Numbers showing how the different sides are supposed to be built up, numbers to be used for building the molding boxes, numbers to be able to build up the models to put into the molding boxes. It's taken time, but i have results to show for it. Didn't have a camera with me, but then again, a box is a box is a box...

Around 6, yet another number with a certain meaning, it was pancake time at Heidi and Bram, made by moi. While preparing dinner Bram helped me out with my beloved mac. It needed some severe TLC

After dinner Bram showed me some tricks when it comes to Artlantis, a rendering program that i have never ever used before. Here you can see the results of that play-time .