lördag 19 juni 2010

A sholder tap and an inspiration boost

I have had a productive last couple days. Not very much so when it comes to school, still have some photoshop pics to put together, but what i have done is set up my LinkedIn profile, gotten my english and swedish curriculum vitae in order, sent an e-mail to Politecnico in Milano with most of the necessary info, the rest i have to send via normal mail. 
I've also written the contract for renting out my room for the summer, and hope on getting it signed in the beginning of next week, seeing that i move back to sweden by the 28th this month.

Last wednesday some of the exchange-students put together a little exhibition of their courtyard instalation that they had been working on for the last week. During that enjoyable little event I talked with a phd-student called Brett Patching, which ended up being just what i needed inspirational-wise.
Everyone has their ups and downs, but for the last 6 month i've felt rather confused when it comes to what i want to do both when it comes to the far future, but also when it comes the the near one.
He spoke about the d.school at Standford, DesignBoost in Sweden and all sort of interesting people working and dealing with things and subjects that speaks directly to me.
I on my side told him about the RILE project, what Educat has been up to lately, and the non-profit organization MASS, which seemed to interest him. 

In the end I got so overwhelmed with information and inspiration that I had to go and sit down together with some friends on the top of the instillation, have a hotdog, enjoy the sun and just try to structure everything that was going on in that little head of mine.

Since then i've been reading, listening and structuring as much information as i possibly can, while still working on finishing my bachelor.

If you feel like you are in need of some inspiration, check out:

*The Standford University's facebook profile wher you can see some short but interesting videos 

*Then there's always TED and DAVOS [even though it might sound strange to some, i do sincerely enjoy these panels] for those who like those sort of talks

*And for those visual people, two of my favorits are ffffound and ZAVO BIG