tisdag 22 juni 2010

The end is within reach

First there's tomorrow, then thursday is here, and that just means one thing for me... BACHELOR! Wop wop! 
Finally one step closer to finishing my degree as an architect. I'm looking forward to finishing this step.
Not that I have not enjoyed it, because I have, but it still feels nice.
Not only am I able to write BA everywhere, and believe me I will, but through these 3 years at Aarhus School of Architecture I have learned so much about myself, the way I work, and what I want to work with in the future.

The RILE-project with Educat has opened my eyes when it comes to a world that I want to become a part of, a world that includes working in teams driven by a common force, which is something that I so far never have been a part of, seeing that at uni teacher randomly put us in groups regardless of compatibility. I understand that that is the normal rules of teamwork, but why can't we just change what is normal?
After working with the Educat-crew, seeing just how different everyone are, I also regained my belief in what Margaret Mead once said, and I quote:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, 
committed citizens can change the world. 
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has"

The school awoke my interest for working with competitions, and taught me oh so much about my own process, and the value of evaluating the process after a project is finished. (See "Reflection Sheet").
One thing that I just recently understood is just how much more affective I work when I have this blog to post my day to day process. From now on I will be more strict in doing so.

If there is anyone who reads this who is thinking about if he/she should become and architect, and in that case, which school to attend, I can warmly suggest this school. These are the years when we can play around, make mistakes (preferably as many as possible, how will one otherwise learn)

The first two years we get to try everything from competitions to town planning, to 1 family housing. 
From what I can see from the 1st year student it looks like the school is getting better and better. This semester i saw them playing around with casting models including yellow airplanes. I most admit that i got a bit jealous, it looked like they were having so much fun!
At the 3rd year we have more of a chance to focus on, and try out, what one might think of "more my cup of tea".
Personally I tried out Industrial Design during the fall, and now I'm trying the complete opposite, Experimental Aesthetics.
Where I am now feels more like me, it gives you more time to work with the process and learn what works for you, and it lets you try out more sides of yourself and push your limits.

After thursday I hope on getting an internship somewhere in the world, preferably in an office that works with competitions or/and works in countries with hotter climates or/and with materials produced more local to where the projects are being built (aka, the used and abused word, sustainability).
The spring will be spent as an Erasmus exchange-student at Politecnico in Milan. Really looking forward to learning how their university works, hear what they have to say about architecture, and learn what they have to teach.
After that I will go back to finish my Master at here at AAA.
I have already started to look forward to my master-project, and thought much about it. It would be interesting to design a school somewhere in the middle east, perhaps in Jordan, or, as a friend and Educat-member and I talked about earlier today, design a moving school as to get education out to villages that are located to far away from the cities.
But to get there I first want to learn more about natural cooling systems and other skills that will come in handy.

Time for me to get some sleep
Have posters to set up tomorrow, and models to finish