fredag 4 juni 2010

Early day, long day, fun day, but the workshop closed too early

The title says it all!

It has been a long day, woke up at 6, couldn't fall back to sleep. Gave up around 6.30, got ready for uni, was here (where i am still) at around 8, started working on the flamingo-model that will go into the wooden boxes that i made yesterday. 

For some reason one never learns that i ALWAYS takes longer then expected to build models, and today was no exception. Unfortunately i finished the mane models around 16.10. Little did i know that the workshop closes at 16.00 on fridays. My loss. I have no drill, and i need a drill to be able to do these models of mine. Forthunatly i have one at home, a small one. Let's hope it works.

One of the models i am sure i can not finish this weekend, since a had mixed up some of the numbers yesterday. As I said yesterday; Numbers, numbers, numbers... And it is oh o true. Numbers numbers numbers. A 9 turns into a 6, and there we are, 3 cm missing, 1 box useless. Will have to wait until monday.  That gives me the weekend to do 4-6 models and start the poster layout.

Here are some pictures from today.

One always needs a break from whatever one is up to, so today my break consisted of Artlantis. Here you can see what came out of that.

Just remembered, yesterday, when i was in need of a break, i called a mexican friend of mine, suggesting that we went for some ice-cream. As i expected he said yes to that suggestion (who can resist real italien gelato?).
When we were sitting there, on the doorstep to a neerby building, we he asked me what this semesters project was about, and how mine was comming along. So i told him. I told him how it was looking at the moment, how it had gotten there, and where my inspiration comes from. Then he told me something interesting. 
Last time he was in Mexico he had visited some caves (like the caves that has been a part of my inspiration), and how he had been snorkling through them. He also told me that the Mayas had a special name for these caves. He could not remember it there on the stairs, but promised me to find it for me. 
The basic meaning for the name is something along the line of "the entré to paradise" or "the paradise port". 
I'm curious of how it's spelled, but by the sound of it, it is the perfect name for this project.
Not that one can enter from the top, but one can admire it from up there, and wish to see the marvels from below.

I also took a decision about what material it will be made of. White concrete. 
Sure, it sounds like a choice made out of convenience, but the truth of the mater is that it is a conclusion made from many factors. 
First of all, white reflects light better then any other color.
Seckond, white will make it seem bigger then if was, fx, grey.
Third, when times passes you will be able to see green moss and other vegetation growing on the once oh so white surface, and the tore of time is something that i personally find inspirational.

Time for me to take yet another decision, "Go home, or stay yet a bit longer, and start building the two end modles?".
Decision made, i've been a good girl today, so I will but on my sunglasses and walk out, into the sun. Who knows, maybe i will spoil myslef with another ice-cream ^-^