torsdag 24 juni 2010

Today is THE DAY

As the title implies today IS the day, after today, I will be a graduated Bachelor [if everything goes well that is].
I finished finished my model today. Well, the problem from yesterday, with the wont gypsum, is still a problem, so I decided to let it slip, and if i bring the model to Sweden, then i make them there instead, in concrete. After this project I have decided to never ever work with gypsum again. It falls apart way to easily, it molds, it's gray [can use coloring, but it still doesn't change the fact that I don't like it]. I'd rather just use coloring with the concrete...

But, anyways, now i'm about to go out and take some new pics in the dark-room [the room between the toilet and the study]. Hope they will turn out so well that i can use them on the poster.

But for now, here comes some pics from yesterday
and earlier today