tisdag 1 juni 2010

KubHus (CubeHouse)- learning how to do renderings II

Once again i've been playing around with V-Ray. I'm getting better, but it takes time. Not only because of the learning process, but mainly due to the really really slow uni computers. Scary scary slow. So slow in fact that i couldn't even save a normal section in eps-format without it crashing. After 7 crashes i gave up, and continued with playing around with renderings. The format is really small so that they could finish quicker.

Here comes the pics showing this mornings work, step by step, trying to get the lighting right, and add some beautiful grass.

Here you have a perfect example of how grass would look like if it could reflect the objects around it!
And then some closeups
For some reason it doesn't want to let me render sections without putting the roof back on. Don't know how to solve that, but will give it a go after lunch.