tisdag 1 juni 2010

Quick render of this semesters project

So, i decided not to put any more time on playing around with last semesters project, and focus on this ones instead.

Here comes 1 quick rendering and then some very very quick screen shots of what i am up to.

Once again it did not want to render sections, so when that is needed i will have to be brutal and slice it over for real and see hat kind of results that will bring.

Have to add that everything but the top glass openings will be under ground. Important to have in consideration when thinking of constructions... Where you see the water on the last pic, that is where the water will be inside the space.
To morrow i will start working on making this model in 1:100 in concrete. Really looking forward playing around with it and, of course, to seeing the result.

And here comes the less appealing screen shots

 The nick name for this project is The Death Star, i believe it originates from Star Wars.